Thursday, April 29, 2010

Pasukan Sorak Wira Wirawati Perak (Ladies on the practice track)

Pasukan Wira Wirawati Perak(Foto)

How Pasukan Wira Wirawati Perak handle the Dodgeball,how?? Read this ya!!

How to throw a dodgeball ?

Just grab a dodgeball and try this Senang jer.
If you're right handed,first just stand straight, feet shoulder width apart and about 5 feet from a wall(Ini jika U right handed lah)Raise the ball up with your right hand so that your nelbow is sticking out to the right, your armpit should make it with your arm and side,and your elbow should make a 90 angle with your bicep and forearm.(This is position 1-1 will come back to this later) Whatsoever,just bring your elbow forward and flick your wrist down, releasing the ball.Repeat! This practices throwing with just your right arm.

What else?? Ooop yeah...take two steps back. Get in position 1(see step 1)Now, shape the fingers of your left hand as if you were about to do a karate chop and raise your left hand to your right shoulder, so that your left thumb reaches your chest and the palm of your left hand faces out and to the right. Turn your upper body so that your right shoulder is pointed behind you and your left shoulder is pointed in front of you.Your hips shouldbe turned slightly but your feet should remain in place.(Position 2)..

Well, letih laa pula aku nak explain . I guess sambung to the another episode yer...Don't be angry...hehehe, cepat marah nanti cepat tue!!

Sambung lain masa yer....chao dulu. See U sooon.



Jumpa lagi...Hi!

Nak kenal siapa anggota pasukan pemain Wira Wirawati Perak. Well,mereka terdiri daripada barisan para remaja yang berdedikasi dan bersemangat berpasukan yang kukuh.Mereka ada strategi pemainan yang baik.Iya,berpotensi untuk maju menjulang piala kemenangan. Haaa...Gegar 1 Malaysia adalah motto mereka di dalam perjuangan ini. Mereka gigih berlatih setiap petang. Apabila mereka berlatih, mereka berlatih bersungguh-sungguh secara telus dan berstrategi.Mudah cakap No main-main,No tipu-tipu.Ahaks. Good team,good players!

Whatsoever,their practice running entire afternoon till late evening. Pretty awesome & of coz marvelous and captivating corak permainan mereka. Hahaha..digamatkan lagi dengan iringan sorakan pasukan sorak dari pasukan Fanfare. Ladies-ladies ini bersemangat giler di dalam meningkatkan semangat pasukan pemain. Pukulan peralatan muzik mereka yang cukup memukau itu, diselingi pula dengan alunan suara mereka,waduh bisa bikin gempak gitu! Cayalah....Go!Go! Go! Gegar 1 malaysia...

Frankly speaking, the attraction of our Wira Wirawati club? Yeah...its filled with colourful catchy chants and cheers from the fanfare ladies! they're absolutely gorgeous & fabulous!!!

Well, see you soon. Aku chao dulu.....jumpa lagi yer!!!



DODGEBALL? Gosh! What's dodgeball? Panic maa...Oh my God, a dodgeball blogger? Ahaks,everyone garu kepala,bila aku berkisah ya ng aku ini dodgeball blogger.Apalah minah ni tahu tentang dodgeball.Hmm..ia masih terlalu baru kat Malaysia. Kiranya dibandingkan dengan paintball or futsal, sukan dodgeball ini hijau yang terlampau. Apa yang aku tahu sukan ini memerlukan semangat kesukanan yang utuh, semangat kerjasama yang teguh, iya ..paling penting jujur dalam permainan. No tipu-tipu,No tolak-tolak. No such thing as tak jujur dalam sukan ini. Apa yang aku tahu Dodgeball memerlukan strategi, kecergasan fizikal serta semangat berpasukan yang hakiki. Argh, masih terbayang-The Movie Dodgeball(Vince Vaugh & Ben Stiller).Yeah! What I wanna say,dodgeball is a real sport in which you are the target. Tak caya???

Okay laa, how to play Dodgeball? Alahai,tak susah maa,but whatsoever,kompetatif.Jangan main-main maa!! Pemain mesti bersedia merebut bola untuk menewaskan pihak lawan, ye tak ye le pulak..melalui pukulan bola lah.Aiya...seperti permainan zaman dulu-dulu tu..alahai "bola cop' tu,yang guna bola tenis tu laa.Well,itu alkisah sukan zaman berzaman,zaman 70an dana 80an.Apa-apa pun,yang pasti 6 pemain untuk satu pasukan,pemain hanya perlu mengelak balingan bola dari pihak lawan.Ayoyo,mustahil tak faham kot? Alahai,whenever you throw a dodgeball,you are going to throw it like a baseball.Well, bring your arm back away from your body and then bring it up over your head.Hahahaha,don't ever forget it depend on the ball,if the ball is too big then you could always throws like a soccer goalie.


Hello .. First and foremost,before reading through it,just stand up and shout 'GEGAR 1 MALAYSIA!'. Hahaha! Sorry...just usik-usik maa. Suprise? Ooop, it's a slogan for Wira Wirawati Perak. Team Funfare Wirawati Perak hebat bergaya. Wah! team pemainnya pula tangkas bak Harimau Lapar!! Hehehe...if you look at them, of coz they'r superb women. Setiap kali pasukan Funfare beraksi, bergegar segalanya. Ahaks,it's not joking,reality! Mereka bijak merencanakan bunyi-bunyian sinonim dengan gerakan Pemain Dodgeball team'Wirawati Perak'. Whatsoever, sekali mereka beraksi, the song absolutely great!The wirawirati team semuanya superb maa...pemain,pasukan fanfare,penggulas & semua yang terlibat, awesome!! Cayalah....baik punyer team maa...Hehehe....of coz the team with Vision and Mission.... Well,well, see you soon. Cayukkkk... 'GEGAR 1 MALAYSIA!'